Articles, chapitres d'ouvrages et communications en Anglais
Articles, chapters in collective books, communications in English

Year Author(s) Occasion Title & size Description File
Theureau J., Filippi G., Gaillard I.
Colloquium "Work activity in the perspective of organization and design", 15-16/10, EDF-MSH, Paris

From semio-logical analysis to design: the case of traffic control

68 Ko

The methodology of course of action analysis presented through two studies, one about air traffic control, the other about metropolitan traffic control
Theureau J., Filippi G.
4th European Meeting on Cognitive Science Approaches to Process Control: Designing for simplicity, 25-27/08, Copenhagen

Metropolitan traffic control activities and design of a support system for the coordination of actions in future control rooms

116 Ko

Theory, methods and results of an empirical and rtechnico-organisational study
Filippi G., Theureau J.
3rd Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 15-17/09, Milano

Analysing cooperative work in an urban traffic control room for the design of a coordination support system

92 Ko

idem, presented to a CSCW audience
Theureau J.
7th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Symposium on "Analysis, design and evaluation of man-machine systems", 16-18/09, Kyoto

Use of nuclear control room simulators for research and development

52 Ko

Lessons learnt from a study of litterature and visits in research centres in Europ and USA
Theureau J.
Cognition, Technology and Work, 2, 97-105

Nuclear reactor control room simulators: human factors research and development

72 Ko

Theureau J., Jeffroy F., Vermersch P.
CSEPC 2000, 22-25/11, Taejon, Korea

Controling a nuclear reactor in accidental situations with symptom-based procedures: a semio-logical and phenomenological analysis

72 Ko

Results of an empirical study
Theureau J., Filippi G.
in Luff P., Hindmarsh, Heath C., Work place studies, Cambridge University Press, 68-91

Chapter 4: Analysing cooperative work in an urban traffic control room for the design of a coordination support system

92 Ko

The analysis of collective interlinking of courses of action, with discussion of ethnomethodological and distributed social cognition approaches, presented through a study about metropolitan traffic control
Theureau J.
Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, Vol. 16, n° 4-5, 485-516

Dynamic, living, social and cultural complex systems: principles of design-oriented analysis

100 Ko

Epistemology of activity analysis and design
Theureau J., Filippi G., Saliou G., Vermersch P.
CSAPC'01, 23-26/09, Munchen, Germany

Development of a methofdology for analysing the dynamic collective organisation of the reactor operator's and supervisor's courses of experience while controlling a nuclear reactor in accidental situations in full scope simulated control rooms

68 Kà

Theory, methodology and results of an empirical study with emphasis on the structure of attention windows and anticipation
Villame T., Theureau J.
CSAPC'01, 23-26/09, Munchen, Germany

Contribution of a "comprehensive analysis" of human cognitive activity to the advanced driving assistance devices design

72 Ko

Lessons learnt from a series of studies in Renault
Theureau J.
in Hollnagel E. ed., Hanbook of Cognitive Task Design, Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

Chapter 4 : Course of action analysis & course of action centered design, penultimate version

114 Ko

Overview of course of action analysis and course of action centred design
Theureau J., Filippi G., Saliou G., Vermersch P.
ECCE-11, 8-11 Sept., Catania, Italy

Cultural issues of power plant collective control in accidental situations and their impact upon design issues

88 Ko

Development of the communication by the same authors in CSAPC'01, 23-26/09, Munchen, Germany
Theureau J.
II° Journées internationales des sciences du sport "Expertise et sport de haut niveau", 12-15 Nov., Paris

Selfconfrontation interview as a component of an empirical & technological research programme

36 Ko

How selfconfrontation is conceived in course of action approach
Donin N. & Theureau J.
EACE 05, Chania (Crète), 57-64

Music composition in the wild

78 K

Long term creative cognition in music composition
Donin N. & Theureau J.
Cognition, technology & work, 9, 4, 233-251

Music composition in the wild

532 K

Long term creative cognition in music composition